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Hebridean Island Images is based in Crowthorne in Berkshire, England. The library is owned and run by Ruari Cumming, ARPS who holds a distinction from the Royal Photographic Society (RPS). He is also an accredited judge with the Southern Counties Photographic Federation (part of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain).
He has taken all the pictures over the last few years with further images and islands being added to this library annually.

Additionally, he is available to local photographic clubs, or other organisations, to show his presentation, “An Eye on the Hebrides”.
A personally presented evening of wonderful images, some history and a few humorous stories, all accompanied with AV sequences and captivating music. Other presentations are also available namely “The Island Dream” and “Hebridean Hopscotch”, whilst a further presentations entitled “Another World, Another View” and “A Window on the World” takes you to places in Europe, whilst "Beyond Capricorn" takes you to Singapore, Australia and New Zealand - see Presentations

We will be happy to talk with you about any images available from our photographic library. The pictures in this site are only a few of the thousands on file. Please go to our Picture Lists page for more details. Many scenes have been taken from varied angles & viewpoints so that they can be practically tailored for your usage.

Please do e-mail us, to:-

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Alternatively, telephone my mobile phone on:-

(Outside United Kingdom: 00 44 7881 767030)

Should my phone be off, out of range or abroad, then please do leave a message when prompted and we will respond as soon as possible.